Sunday, July 29, 2012

Seya Happenings

Seya School 16-19 July 2012

The school (Beam Level)

Bending bars to make the beams. They come in coils so you have to straighten them. 

One of my buddies eating his lunch (porridge) in the grass with a piece of sugar cane for a spoon. (I'm a converted lover of sugar cane)

Straightening the other wire thingies to make the triangular frame used to make the beams. 

Fitting the wires and bars together.

Children... An Interesting Phenomenon 
Midway through the day, the adult workers took a seat in the shade and something crazy happened. Children emerged and began doing labor. What's more, they were completely unsupervised. We spent several days digging dirt and moving it into the school rooms to raise the foundation level. Keep in mind, these next pictures show kids, none of whom were being told what to do.

Children digging and relocating dirt into the new classrooms

Children digging and hauling dirt with no adult supervision/direction. Smart kids.

It was mind boggling how effective these kids were. Teamwork came naturally. 

Using old pots and any form of bucket you can find to relocate the dirt. 

I'm pretty sure that if my elementary school teachers left a group of us to do work like this, we would all be sitting around until someone came out to yell at us. Even then, we would stagger around not knowing how to proceed. 

Walking Home From Seya

A couple kids down the road from our house using a fallen tree limb as a toy horse/motorcycle

"It's not easy work rustlin' broncs all day, and then you crazy bald white folk come along and want to come take my picture. Do as you must, just keep quiet or you'll scare off the cattle. "

A day or two later back at Seya

Assembly line from a different location. Children passing containers with dirt to fill up the classrooms. (Latrine under construction in the background)

Little kids here love having their picture taken. These guys asked me to take theirs so I did.

After Seya That Day
Troy and I noticed a small group gathered by the motorcycle taxi drivers who were laughing and yelling. We decided to investigate. 

It turned out that the motorcycle taxi drivers and a few other locals were playing this really funny game where you place a bottle on the ground and then the person who is playing paces 7-10 steps from the bottle where he is blindfolded. He then has to walk back to where he thinks the bottle is and kick it. As you might expect, people look pretty silly as the clumsily walk in the wrong direction and kick violently into the air nowhere near the illusive bottle. I've never seen a group of Ugandans laugh so hard/have so much fun as these motorcycle taxi guys were having that day. 

So naturally, I had to give it a try. 

Step... Step.... Step

........ and a swing .....and a miss............ but as you can see, I was pretty dang close. My left foot landed just to the side of the bottle and I kicked just to the right of the bottle. They all laughed hysterically. Which made it all the more fun for me.  

The crowd kept getting bigger and bigger. Everyone was having a good time. Troy and I had never seen anything like this before so we decided to document it. 
More people (on the outskirts of town. You can see in the background the roads leading to the sugarcane fields and then on to Seya village)

A swing and a miss.......Troy had to give it a try as well.... and... you guessed it... They all laughed at him too. I was no exception. 

Mukono Happy Child (after church)

15 July 2012
On Sunday, after church, in Mukono, we headed over to play with the kids for a little while.

This little girl looked like a Cabbage Patch doll. 

A rowdy bunch

Little dude running around in his underwear. That's freedom.

Kids playing. The town in the background. 

Little girl  (all of these captions are pretty obvious but since my blog is several weeks behind and I am tired, I figured I'd just try to do as much as I can quickly)

The same little girl, only happier.

Lane and the little dudes/dudettes

Elaine and the girls. I especially like the little girl's shirt "Mum + Dad = me"

"Seriously, is this guy going to keep taking pictures of us"

Wearing her Sunday best

One of these things is not like the other....... oh... there it is... a big bald dude

Free balloons

Hooray for fun time with the kiddos

Friday, July 20, 2012

Saturday in Jinja

14 July 2012
On Saturday, Troy and I were sitting around the house and decided to go look for a waterfall near Jinja (we found out that that waterfall no longer exists due to a dam which was built a few years back.)

We ended up just eating Indian food and exploring the city a bit.

I could have probably titled this post "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" because I saw a lot of things that boggled my mind.

 We stared at this tree/cactus/thing for a long time. We talked to the guys underneath it and then we went on the roof of the bar and talked to some guys who were there. They said that the tree thing has been there some 50 years and that if the juice/sap from the tree gets on your eyes, you will go blind. I'm not sure if I believe it...

 A view from the rooftop of the bar

 Me on the rooftop of the bar

The next thing we came across in Jinja.... Hindu Temple
Here I am in front of the Hindu Temple just around the corner from the CactusTreeThing.

This is a negative relief sculpture. It completely blew my mind for about 20 minutes. It was so crazy how real it looked and how the face appeared to follow you wherever you go. Watch the video. It looked even crazier in real life. 

I tried to get a picture from the side showing how it was a negative but the shadows make it look like it is a positive. In this picture my finger is sticking 2 inches into the sculpture.

Our Next Stop.... The Source of The Nile River
We walked around town and the locals suggested we go to the source of the Nile. (Where the Nile River begins)

 Here's me with my new tube fiddle posing in front of a Gandhi sculpture. Some of Gandhi's ashes were put in the source of the Nile at this location at his request. 

 Just me posing again

 Troy walking out to get good pictures

Boats on The Nile
 Taking a boat out to the actual source

 Just behind me to and to my right is where Lake Victoria turns in to the Nile. Apparently 40% of the rivers water is coming up from plates below ground and 60% comes from Lake Victoria. It takes 90 days for the water seen here to get all the way past central Africa-Egypt and to empty out into the Mediterranean.

This is an island that we passed on the way to the source. You cannot see it very well in this picture but there is a large lizard (Iguana-esque)
Coming back to shore

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Community Needs Assessment Meeting In Nabuti Village Mukono

13 May 2012 (this was from one of the first days of the summer but I just realize it did not post for some reason)

Sunday evening, we met our good friend Moses (see earlier posts) for a community needs assessment meeting in Nabuti village. It was pretty amazing. Several days prior, someone went through the village with a loud speaker advertising the event (a lot of advertising is done that way) and quite a large number of people attended including several political leaders.

The purpose of the meeting was to find out from the people what they felt were the biggest problems that needed to be addressed. After much discussion including lots of translating and some drama, the community decided that education was the biggest concern. Parents feel their kids are not able to get the quality of education they need. (I thought that was very interesting considering the other top priorities on the list, clean water, poverty, malaria.)

Some school children greeted us with a couple of really cool musical numbers.

Our Cooks/Back Yard


 Eve (on the left) and Rosette (on the right) with Sam (the guard, in the background). Every week night, they make dinner for us on charcoal stoves. Also pictured is our our house on the right. Our water pipeline (the gutter on our roof which drains down into the black water tank where we keep our water for washing/bathing) our washer and dryer (the bucket and clothesline in the background) and the entrance to our lavish two toilet bathroom and shower (pit latrines and a room for bucket showers.... the entrance is in the distance toward the wall on the left behind the clothes. I'll post pictures of the "lavish bathroom" one of these days just for fun.

This photo was shot in the very location where I received my nickname at the beginning of the summer while leading the cooks in revival gospel music which provided a fun distraction to tedious pealing of potatoes etc... In other words... This is where "Pastor" was born.

Meanwhile Back At Seya

Not sure the exact date but it is within the last week and a half (since 19 July)

Mixing two types of sand, cement and water to make mortar

It is pretty distracting for the kids from their schoolwork while we are working. I figured I'd take a few pictures since they were already distracted

More distractions

I've become somewhat of a legend among the kids in Seya. They all think I'm a crazy funny tall bald white guy, and I think that their teachers think I'm a crazy funny tall bald white guy who is a distraction to the children's learning. But we have a lot of fun at least. 
 This is Lilian, one of my favorites. She is very smart, often brings me fruit/avocados/sugar cane as presents. Not long ago, she asked me if she could be my child. I think we are going to settle for good friends.

Scaffolding on the first side and children adding dirt to raise the ground of the first classroom to ground level. 
This is one of those very interesting, very Africa photos. Children unloading bricks by throwing them from the truck. And of course... no one is wearing shoes.

 We were sitting down, taking a break when we looked behind us to see this message on the chalk board. Ashlyn and Lexi posing with the artists.

So naturally, I made them make me one too. 

Every builder a Boy Scout. Making scaffolding requires a strong knowledge of lashings and knots. To ensure everyone's safety, and since my Boy Scout skills are pretty rusty, I mostly just watched this part of the construction process

Progress Slide Show.... 

 Foundation level

 Start of the first wall

 Second wall

 Third wall (window level)

Entire Structure, (Beam Level)